Eating Right Is The Building Block To Life! | Timothy Valentin
Eating Right Is The Building Block To Life! Proper nutrition is one of the most basic building blocks that leads to good overall health. There is so much information out there on the topic of nutrition, however, that sifting through it can be overwhelming. The following tips can help clarify some of the myths about nutrition.
A really useful way to help you stay fit is to keep a log of the food you eat each day. By recording what you eat each day, you'll keep track of your calories, and you'll also be able to pick up on which foods you like or don't like.
Eating Right Is The Building Block To Life! -Avoid Processed Grains
People with adequate nutritional education know to avoid grains and cereals that have been highly processed. The important nutrients from grains are eliminated when the husk and hull are removed during milling. Is this something people should do, and afterward, buy fiber or wheat germ additives to get the benefits of natural whole grains? No. This does not make any sense when you could get your nutrients from eating the whole grains.
Avoid using hydrogenated oils for cooking, and watch out for them in packaged foods. These oils provide no nourishment for your skin or your body. In fact, they actually interfere with "good" oils (olive oil, sunflower oil, flax seed oil, fish oil) ability to nourish your skin, hair, nails and entire body!
Eating Right Is The Building Block To Life! -Customized Diet
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Jon Congdon, President of Beachbody[/caption]
A great nutrition tip is to customize your diet to your body type. Not everyone has the same body type. Some people are more sensitive to carbohydrates and will gain weight just by looking at them, while others can eat anything they want and will never gain any weight.
Teenagers can have a hard time getting the nutrition that they need. Girls tend to find that this is a time that they gain weight easily, while boys tend to lose it. Helping your teen strive for a healthy diet that is geared toward nutrition and maintaining a healthy weight will help them get through this hard time of life.
When fixing your plate for lunch or dinner, it is best to have a rainbow of colors. Having brightly colored fruits and vegetables will look more appealing to you, and will also give numerous vitamins. Make sure to eat the skin of your foods, that is where most of the nutrients are.
To ensure your thyroid gland functions properly, include plenty of iodine in your diet. Iodine is a component of multiple thyroid hormones, including triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Insufficient iodine levels leave your body unable to synthesize thyroid hormones, which means your metabolism cannot be regulated properly. Foods that contain iodine include kelp, eggs, and strawberries.
Give canned salmon a try if you want a different taste sensation. Canned salmon contains lots of minerals that are good for bodily functions and isn't loaded with fat and carbs. Try to aim for variety in your diet, as this provides maximum enjoyment of your food.
Eating Right
A good health tip that everyone would do well to use, is to stop eating at least two hours before you go to sleep. Eating right before bed causes your body to break down food into unused energy which is then stored as fat. Try and eat earlier dinners and have a small snack a couple hours before bedtime.
A great nutrition tip for every single person is to make sure that you eat breakfast every morning. The saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day could not be any more true. Eating right when you wake up jump starts your metabolism so that you are able to burn more calories throughout your day.
A great nutrition tip for people who are striving to eat healthy is to change their mentality about eating right. Eating healthy is not something you should do, it is something you must do. Keep repeating this fact over and over and you will find it easier to fight away your cravings for bad food.
Portion control is the key to a healthy diet. A good diet is essential to more than just weight loss. Eating right is important to maintain good health regardless of weight. Consuming too little of a food group is just as unhealthy as too much. Correct portions of all foods is important for optimum health.
Eating right is the essence of nutrition, but for some reason we have become stuck on the idea of three square meals a day. In order to optimize your fat burning and keep your appetite down, you should try to eat six small meals a day instead of three large ones.
There is still so much to learn about the human body as it pertains to nutrition. The way the body reacts to certain foods and elements still baffles scientists that have been studying nutrition for years. Luckily there are at least a few well-understood facts that can help guide your nutritional choices. As you can see "eating right is the building block to life."

Timothy Valentin
Team Beachbody Coach